Play or Pay Procedure

The purpose of this Play or Pay Procedure is to simplify the process of joining a committee (there are four to choose from: 1. Entertainment, 2. House, 3. Jr. Sailing and 4. Floats) or selecting a task that has been defined and is needing a volunteer to work/complete.

  • Members will access the Play or Pay Task List from the SBC Web Site by signing into the Members Only section using the current password and selecting the Play or Pay subsection.
  • The Task List is contained on a spreadsheet and is presented in PDF format. The reader may need to increase the size of the display which is contained in the PDF toolbar. Review the tasks available on the Task List spreadsheet and select a committee to join or a task to be completed.
  • Email the Task Contact or Committee Chairperson and indicate interest in working on or completing the task or joining the committee. For lengthy tasks, the Contact person will notify the Play or Pay Coordinator who will update the Task List to indicate the task has been assigned and a current status.
  • Task updates including completions are communicated via email to the Task Contact who will notify the Play or Pay Coordinator. The Task List will be promptly updated by the Coordinator. Please include the number of hours worked on the task and any other relevant information concerning the task.
    • Example #1 – A member wants to join the Entertainment Committee and clicks on the Rear Commodore’s email address and completes the email explaining his or her desire to join. The Rear Commodore will either call or email back specifying how the member can help.
    • Example #2 – A member selects a specific task and communicates that to the Task Contact by selecting the contact’s email address and completing the email. The Task contact calls or emails back and describes the task and what needs to be done. When completed, the Task Contact notifies the Play or Pay Coordinator and the Task Activity is updated to indicate the task is completed.
  • Members are reminded that when participating in Dock Day activities they should ensure their name has been added to the work party list maintained in the clubhouse on each of those days. Names appearing on the list are communicated to the Play or Pay Coordinator to ensure credit has been given to all workers.
  • A current year Play or Pay member list containing members subject to Play or Pay activity will be reviewed by all members of the Executive Board prior to annual invoicing to ensure that work for any board member is recognized.
  • Members having completed their volunteer hours but invoiced in error for a Play or Pay fee should notify the Play or Pay Coordinator ( and Treasurer ( as soon as possible and provide details of work completed during the period with a request for an adjustment. This request will be reviewed and a decision returned within thirty days.
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