Launch Service Guidelines

In order to provide the membership with the best possible service, we ask you to be aware of the following policies/practices. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact the Dockmaster at

  1. As a Coast Guard licensed mariner, the driver is responsible for the safety of every passenger on the launch. Please DO NOT EXIT THE LAUNCH until the driver has indicated that it is safe to do so. It is a major problem to have people jumping over the safety railing or stepping from the side while the launch is still in motion; please refrain from doing so.
  2. When the launch takes you out to your boat, we enter your name into our log, and check it off when we bring you in. If you come ashore by any other means, please notify us so that we won’t be waiting/looking for you at the end of the evening shift.
  3. If you are returning to your mooring after a period of absence, call the launch on channel nine (or via the phone: 545-9752) before you arrive back in the harbor. We will be glad to check and make sure that your mooring is clear and the tackle is ready for you.
  4. The ice is a service run entirely by the launch shack, often times on the Honor System. If there is no one in the shack when you take ice, please leave the appropriate money in the blue pouch that is on the counter. If, perchance, you don’t have the funds, on you, just leave a note with your name and the amount owed in the pouch; please settle up at your earliest convenience and don’t put the drivers in the awkward position of having to ask you for due funds. We don’t want to turn you over to a debt collection agency!
  5. Unless it is an emergency, please do not ask the driver to tow your boat from one location to another in the harbor.
  6. When the launch is at the dock, drivers will assist docking by catching and securing dock lines. Dock use is limited to 30 minutes during busy periods and NO overnight tie ups are permitted.
  7. Please notify the launch shack if you plan to have a guest use the club’s facilities. Club policy states: “Club members will be required to personally make advance reservations in writing with the launch driver. Upon arrival, the guest will be provided mooring, launch service, and use of the Club’s facilities at no cost….. Guests of members are limited to 3 days.” A notification form will be available in the launch shack.
  8. The launch drivers are not authorized to provide a member with permission to use one of the club’s own moorings. A member wishing to do so should contact the Commodore.
  9. Don’t hesitate to use the shack radio (channel 9) to notify the launch that you’re waiting on the floats. We are aware that there have been times in the past when members have felt “abandoned” on the floats during a busy weekend afternoon, and have seen the servicing of transients as a reason for long waits. Be assured that the drivers have been told that providing service to the membership takes top priority. Also, be aware that a trip to the outer harbor takes from 6-8 minutes and the inner harbor takes 10 minutes; add a return trip, 6 drop offs, plus 5 pickups, and you can see why the launch may be away from the floats for what seems an interminable length of time. We are actively engaged in developing strategies to expedite service on such busy days with the goal of improved service to all members.
  10. As you know, the rental of moorings to transient boats represents a significant source of revenue for SBC ($10,000 plus per year). Accordingly, we want to focus on a couple of important reminders:
    • a. The club rules state that a member’s mooring may be used for transient rentals if the mooring is empty for a period of time. As stated above, the club greatly benefits from the use of these available moorings. If you do NOT wish your mooring to be used, please notify the launch drivers and we will honor your wishes
    • b. If you grant permission to use your mooring to another launch service rather than to the Club, please let us know. This will eliminate those situations where we try to place boats on already occupied moorings.
